Brigitte Le Juez

Brigitte Le Juez (PhD Sorbonne University; Chevalier dans l’Ordre des Palmes Académiques). Associate Professor of Comparative Literature at Dublin City University (Ireland). Until her retirement in 2016, she was Head of the School of Applied Language and Intercultural Studies, and director of the MA in Comparative Literature at DCU; Founding President of the Association des Études Françaises et Francophones d’Irlande and Chief Editor of The Irish Journal of French Studies; Founding President of the Comparative Literature Association of Ireland; General Coordinator of the European Network for Comparative Literary Studies, and Founding Member of the European Society of Comparative Literature. She is currently the Chief Editor of the ESCL review: CompLit. Journal of European Literature, Arts and Society. Her research interests focus on Reception Studies, Myth-criticism, Literature and the Visual Arts, Imagology, and Ecocriticism. Her recent publications include, as the author of the articles: "Présences ekphrastiques dans The Infinities de John Banville", in Estudos de Intermidialidade: Teorias, Práticas, Expansões. Coleção PPLIN Presente, 3: 2022, Editora CRV Curitiba – Brasil; "Cosmopolitan Theory: Examining the (Dis-)location of Imagology", in the Metacritic Journal for Comparative Studies and Theory 7.2: 2021; and as co-editor of volumes: Le Mythe au féminin et l’(in)visibilisation du corps (with Metka Zupančič – Brill, 2021); Spaces of Longing and Belonging: Territoriality, Ideology and Creative Identity in Literature and Film (with Bill Richardson – Brill, 2019); (Re)Writing Without Borders: Contemporary Intermedial Perspectives on Literature and the Visual Arts (with Nina Shiel and Mark Wallace – Common Ground Research Networks, 2018).